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Competition exists in all industries. But how do you get ahead of the competition when they are working to do the same?

Considering that the Mentor 4 has impressive performance that could match some high C gliders, and as i always reference it in my glide comparison, even with other high end gliders, i took it to compare with the Phantom.
Gliding with a Mentor 4 S in calm air, both loaded at 95 all up, showed a similar glide angle. It is in moving conditions that things gets a bit different.

Gliding with the Mentor 4 in moderate to steady lift lines, will give the Phantom a higher chance even at +10 km/h over trim with a more forgiving ,steady, racy profile for the Phantom for sure !
The Phantom is faster at top speed by 1.5 km/h than a Mentor 4 S, or the Mentor 5 S similarly loaded ! With very close glide ratio at speed ! Really impressive ! The Mentor 5 has the edge in longer glides in moving conditions.
For instance, gliding next to a Mentor 5 (five) S in weak lift lines, will give the Mentor 5 the upper hand over the Phantom. The Mentor 5 is a floaty wing.
After many gl /> not far away.

5.05.2005 Парапланерная школа «КОНДОР» совместно с Липецким аэроклубом и администрацией Липецкой области в период 11.06 – 12.06 проводит Открытый Чемпионат Липецкой области по парапланерному спорту. Принимаются заявки на участие. Подробности в « Положении ».

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